This is SmartProtect.
A modern system must consider all traffic situations; it is no longer good enough to protect only for vehicle traffic. SmartProtect takes into account everyone who moves in the traffic environment, such as pedestrians, cyclists, and wheelchair users – and of course, all of us to whom the road is a workplace. Therefore, SmartProtect has a lot of built-in features that you will appreciate.
Some of the essentials are:
SmartConnector. The intelligent solution that easily merges elements in any direction.
Ingenious mounting rail makes everyday life easier. On the top side, you find the mounting rail that gives you a wide range of possibilities.
Fiber-reinforced concrete makes the barrier strong and prevents pieces from breaking off.
Well-thought-out fork pockets for easy handling with a forklift.
Feet with rubber surfaces provide good friction and water runoff.
F-shape is the flared part at the bottom that is both optimal for impact and, at the same time, provides a stable beam that does not wiggle.




Thorough crash tests show that SmartProtect receives approved test results in accordance with SS-EN 1317 with an installation length of 26.1 m (T2) and 40.6 m (T3).
Ideal for narrow urban environments, easy for road installations.
The compact design and easy installation make SmartProtect ideal for dense urban environments or when you need a safe, quick-to-install solution.
And if you want to avoid heavy, complicated installations on the road or highway, SmartProtect offers an easier solution that reduces the installation time and quickly provides safe protection. Good for traffic, good for the installer.
Perimeter protection around construction sites
SmartProtect also has all the parts required to act as perimeter protection at, for example, construction sites – with fences, gates, and lighting.