Be on the Safe Side.
SmartProtect develops traffic-safe systems for maximum flexibility that are designed to protect road users and road workers. Innovation is in our DNA and we look forward to launching several cutting-edge solutions.
A modern traffic safety solution must take into account all traffic situations, it is no longer sufficient to only protect vehicle traffic. SmartProtect’s products take into account everyone who moves in the traffic environment, such as pedestrians, cyclists and wheelchair users – and of course all of us who use the road as a workplace.
Our solutions
SmartProtect Barrier
SmartProtect Metro
SmartProtect GC-Fence

You don’t have to think about locking pins, clamping bolts, or ground anchorage. Place the elements where you want them and connect them with the SmartConnector. Done.

With a low weight and a width of only 45 cm, and working width W3/W4, SmartProtect provides good protection even in narrow urban environments and reduces the need for transport.

All parts of the SmartProtect system can be combined in a vast number of combinations and at any desired angle. The system is entirely direction-independent, and you can easily lift away elements in the middle of an installed barrier.

Thorough crash tests show that SmartProtect receives approved test results in accordance with SS-EN 1317 with an installation length of 26.1 m (T2) and 40.6 m (T3).